
The first two plate shows the base glaze, entrada_C4_125_2, these were fired in two different firings. the second firing eliminated a one hour hold at 1650 deg F.

Two plates show the indicated compositional variations. The changes were relatively small perturbations of the base glaze, visible only in the second decimal point in the empirical formula.

The variational plates have leaves as resist mask.

full view

base glaze entrada_C4_125_2 plate ~8 inch diameter

full view

base glaze entrada_C4_125_2 plate ~8 inch diameter

full view

glaze entrada_C4_125_26 plate ~8 inch diameter

primary change in empirical formula:

shift in balance of bases: higer CaO, lower K2O and Na2O

lower Silica

full view

glaze entrada_C4_125_25 plate ~8 inch diameter

primary change in empirical formula:

shift in balance of bases: higher CaO, lower K2O and Na2O

higher Silica

Three plates show the indicated compositional variations of the glaze entrada_C4_115_0. The changes were relatively small perturbations of the base glaze, visible only in the second decimal point in the empirical formula.

The variational plates have leaves as resist mask.

full view

glaze entrada_C4_115_01 plate ~8 inch diameter

primary change in empirical formula:

shift in alumina silica balance: higher Alumina, lower silica

full view

glaze entrada_C4_115_02 plate ~8 inch diameter

primary change in empirical formula:

shift in bases: lower Li2O, higher CaO

full view

glaze entrada_C4_115_00 bowl ~5 inch diameter

primary change in empirical formula:

higher Silica

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