firing shino

cone 10 oxidation with distinct downfire protocol's

Firing #1 With slow downfire in two intervals

A half hour hold at 1850 deg F

slow downfire at 50 deg F an hour in the interval 1850 deg F to 1700 deg F

slow downfire at 25 deg F an hour in the interval 1700 deg F to 1650 deg F

One hour hold at 1650 deg F

Firing #2 With long soaks in two intervals

A three hour hold at 1850 deg F

One hour hold at 1650 deg F

Clay body is a grolleg porcelain from Tacoma Clay Art Center.

glaze composition

The bases in this glaze are alkali metals with Li2O .77. Alkaline earths are at the level of impurities.
Alumina is 1.5, Silica is 5.1, and Fe2O3 .04.

The pots are smll conical bowls ~3 inches in diameter.

glaze sh_ZH_1

full view

The result in Firing #1 with slow down ramps

full view

The result in Firing #2 with long soaks replacing slow down ramps

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