faux shino

firing to cone 10 in oxidation

The Downfire profile

A half hour hold at 1750 deg F

A three hour hold at 1700 deg F

slow downfire at 25 deg F an hour in the interval 1700 deg F to 1650 deg F

A one hour hold at 1650 deg F

Clay body is a grolleg porcelain from Tacoma Clay Art Center.

These are glazes designed to capture the brlliant orange which seems only possible in high alumina, low silica glazes.

These glazes have between 40 and 55 % Kaolin, none of it calcined which caused the intense crawling seen. That will be corrected.

glaze composition

The bases in the empirical formula are nearly entirely alkali metals, with at most .1 alkaline earths.
Li2O is ~ .5
Al2O3 is between 1.3 and 1.5
SiO2 is between 3.4 and 4
Fe2O3 is ~ .04

To appreciate the relationship between the alumina and silica, Silica:Alumina is between 2.3 and 2.7.

The pots are small bowls ~4 inches in diameter.

full view


full view


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full view



The iron is in the glaze as the body is a white porcelain, nearly iron free.
These are the my first glazes of this type in which the orange color is visible where the glaze is thick.

As previously mentioned, the crawling is the result of a single thick coat of a glaze which is nearly half Kaolin.
The dunting is mostly the result of a combination of uneven glaze application and uneven pot wall thickness.

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