Chrome Colors

This glaze is a micro-crystalline glaze containing barium oxide and tin oxide. It's mixture of blue, green and yellow colors
as a result of the addition of chrome oxide.

This glaze tsabar-chrome-Z2D, from which this glaze is derived,

Chrome Blue was a blue stony matte that was underfired at cone 10.

The balance of the alkaline earth basic components of the glaze was modified,
some CaO has been replaced by BaO.


full view

inside of bowl:

full view

Outside of bowl:

bowl is ~3 inches in diameter

oxidation firing to cone 10 in an electric kiln

Firing profiles

Up Fire profile

150 deg F an hour to 250 deg F

400 deg F an hour to 1800 deg F

300 deg F an hour to 2050 deg F

120 deg F an hour to 2310 deg F with a hold of 20 minutes at 2310 deg F

Down Fire Profile

300 deg F an hour to 1750 deg F then a half hour hold at 1750 deg F

300 deg F an hour to 1700 deg F then a Three hour hold at 1700 deg F

25 deg F an hour to 1650 deg F then a one hour hold at 1650 deg F

Clay body is a grolleg porcelain from Tacoma Clay Art Center.

glaze compositions

Empirical Formula glaze tsabar-chrome-Z2D-2F :

This glaze has .2% Chrome Oxide added

K2O        0.06
Na2O        0.19
CaO        0.38
MgO        0.01
BaO        0.36

Al2O3        0.4

SiO2        2.3
SnO2        0.16

molecular percent Silica 60%


If applied unevenly, as on the inside of the bowl, a range of yellows, greens and blues are visible. The green is not
the harsh color usually associated with chrome green. A somewhat thinner application produces a pale blue.

The glaze tsabar-chrome-Z2D, from which this glaze was derived was a blue stony matte, and underfired.
This glaze is a waxy matte, and is not underfired, which was the intent.

That a slight change in the bases had such a strong effect on the color gives hope that the range of colors available
from chrome is large.

The glaze is somewhat thinner on the outside than on the inside. The color shift with such a small change in
application thickness is impressive.

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