Two distinct glazes which look similar

The glaze longquan_n_song_2G_0 has higer Alumina and lower silica than celedon_PA_Z2G_0.

Celedon_PA_Z2G_0 has higher MgO, and lower CaO than longquan_n_song_Z2G_0.

The glaze with higher Alumina, lower Silica, and lower MgO.

Glaze longquan_n_song_Z2G_0

A full gloss, translucent glaze that is pale aqua-green with brown speckles. The translucence results from small bubbles
trapped beneath the glaze surface.

full view

plate is 10 inches in diameter

Glaze celedon_PA_Z2G_0

The glaze with lower Alumina, higher Silica, and higher MgO, lower CaO.

A full gloss, translucent glaze that is pale aqua-green with brown speckles. The translucence results from small bubbles
trapped beneath the glaze surface.

full view

plate is 11 inches in diameter

oxidation firing to cone 10 in an electric kiln

Firing profiles

Up Fire profile

150 deg F an hour to 250 deg F

400 deg F an hour to 1800 deg F

300 deg F an hour to 2050 deg F

120 deg F an hour to 2310 deg F with a hold of 20 minutes at 2310 deg F

Down Fire Profile

300 deg F an hour to 1750 deg F then a half hour hold at 1750 deg F

300 deg F an hour to 1700 deg F then a Three hour hold at 1700 deg F

25 deg F an hour to 1650 deg F then a one hour hold at 1650 deg F

Clay body is a grolleg porcelain from Tacoma Clay Art Center.

glaze compositions

Empirical Formula glaze longquan_n_song_Z2G_0 :

K2O        0.15
Na2O        0.15
CaO        0.52
MgO        0.09
ZnO        0.09

Al2O3        0.47
Fe2O3        0.01

SiO2        3.57

molecular percent Silica 70.56%

glaze has 0.2% silicon carbide added for local reduction of iron.

Empirical Formula Glaze celedon_PA_Z2G_0

K2O        0.14
Na2O        0.13
CaO        0.44
MgO        0.20
ZnO        0.09

Al2O3        0.40
Fe2O3        0.01

SiO2        3.67

molecular percent Silica 70.60%

glaze has 0.2% silicon carbide added for local reduction of iron.


Note that the two glazes have nearly identical molecular fraction of SiO2. Perhaps that is a more important contribution
to the final result than the slight differences in the empirical formula noted.

The glaze longquan_n_song_Z2G_0 is derived from a molecular percent formula given by Nigel Wood in chapter 4 of his book "Chinese Glazes".

The glaze celedon_PA_Z2G_0 is derived from the work of David Tsabar.

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